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Embracing the Beauty of Bay Windows

 Bay windows, with their graceful charm and elegant design, have fascinated people for centuries. Originating as nook windows in medieval times, they evolved into the iconic feature we know today.

  781 Hits

How to Spot Insulation Leaks Around Your Home this Summer

As most Georgians know, our summers typically consist of hot and humid days that can even last through early September. While most of us are aware of the effects of the Georgia sun, one thing each of us rely on to get through it is the cooling comfort of our own homes. Now, while having a proper air conditioning system is key to getting your house cool to begin with, the only way you're going to keep that cool air in and the hot air out is by effective insulation.

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Four Signs Your Gutters Need Repair

Did you know that if your home receives just 2 inches of rainwater, that it is equivalent to over 1,000 gallons of water moving over your roof and through your gutter system?

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Understanding Your Roof Overhang

When discussing home improvement, topics such as siding, roofs, windows, and drainage are commonly mentioned, but two essential parts of your house that often go overlooked are the soffit and fascia? While the slight overhang of your roof can add to the visual appeal of a home, this portion of your roof is also essential to the overall function and efficiency of your roof. 

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Identifying Storm Damage to Your Home & Roof

If you live in the Metro Atlanta area, you know all too well that Georgia's tornado season got off to a very busy start. With severe storms during the first few weeks of spring, you may already be on high alert regarding identifying and preventing storm damage. To help you know what to look for, we've put together a list of signs your home was damaged recently by severe weather. 

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Five Benefits to an Under Deck System

When you think of your home's deck, if you have one, you might think first about the space you use most. Maybe you have outdoor furniture on the deck, a barbeque grill, or even decorative lighting. All of these things are awesome to have for your outdoor space, but did you know there is a whole aspect of your deck space that you might be underutilizing?

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What Are Your Home Improvement Goals in 2023?

January has already flown by! With the arrival of 2023, many of us will look to make new year's resolutions. Whether you've got fitness-related goals in mind or just need to get moving on some projects you've been putting off, now is your chance for a clean slate with the new year! 

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4 Common Garage Door Problems

The average garage door opens and closes somewhere around 1,500 times a year, and if you have two sets that means you home's garage doors are opening and closing upwards of 3,000 times a year combined. All of this use can pile up on the wear and tear of the mechanism, and sometimes when things go wrong you might not always know what it is that's causing the problem.

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3 Hardscape Projects to Tackle this Winter

As we begin to have colder weather here in Georgia, your lawn and garden will enter their dormant period, which gives homeowners a great opportunity to take care of one of the oft-forgotten parts of proper landscaping – hardscape projects. Your landscape is never 100% green space, and a good balance of softscape and hardscape features is key to having your neighborhood's most coveted lawn.

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Pre-Winter Chimney Safety Checklist

Even though metro Atlanta won't see wintry temperatures until later in the year, there is no time like the present to address fire safety concerns with your home's chimney and fireplace. We've put together some of the easiest things you can knock off your safety checklist, so you know what to look for to reduce fire risk this winter. 

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Siding: When to Repair vs. When to Replace

Your home's siding serves many different purposes, and just like many of your home's other fixtures and furnishings, can deteriorate over time. Spending summer after summer under sunlight, our Georgia homes are accustomed to bearing the heat, but after a while you may notice your siding has changed. Over time, damaged siding, whether beyond repair or not, can slowly cost you in your home's value and curb appeal.

  996 Hits

Know These 4 Types of Insulation?

No one likes to throw money away, let alone allow money to slowly seep out the cracks of your home's roof and attic. That's why we have insulation, which helps keep the conditioned air you're paying for inside, all for your comfort.

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5 Must-Do Home Improvement Projects

As most homeowners know, owning a home is never a completed task. There are always areas where you can either put time and effort into your fixer-upper, or finally tackle that long-desired remodel project.

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Time for a New Commercial Roof?

Looking for a way to spruce up your company office appearance? Did you take over a building that might need a roof replacement? Either way, thinking about the exterior care and presentation of your commercial space, office, garage, or retail store plays a huge role not only in bringing more business through the door, but keeping your staff, products, and equipment safe from the elements.

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Identifying 5 Types of Shingle Damage

Damage to your roof is often due to one of two things: Mother Nature just running her course, or your roof showing its age. Either way, it's important to know what type of damage your shingles might be suffering in order to know what next steps you should take.

With Trotter Roofing & Gutters, we're here to make your roofing repair or replacement as smooth as possible. So, if you're feeling the scary effects of a pop-up hailstorm, or just starting to realize it might be time to replace your whole roof, our team is here to help.
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5 Signs Your Roof is Leaking

The last thing you want to find out is that your roof is leaking, and one of the scariest things to wonder when finding a leak is "how long has this been happening?" That's why knowing the signs of a roof leak can be extremely helpful as a homeowner, and can help you prevent further damage. 

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Get Your Gutters Ready for the Fall

As August comes to an end, Georgia's driest season approaches. With much fewer thunderstorms after August, the threat of a random rainstorm lessens for many Georgia homes, making this period a prime time to give your gutters the treatment they need.

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Pressure Washing – DIY or Professional?

 Summertime can often bring out the best in us: soaking up warm weather, backyard barbeques, and evenings spent on the front porch, but that bright summer sun can also shed light on some of the dirtiest parts of our home's exterior.

Maybe your driveway has grown some mold and mildew spots after springtime showers, your deck it is still coated in pollen from earlier in the year, or maybe your home's siding is not looking as fresh as it did when you first had it installed. These are all things that homeowners typically turn to a pressure washer for – the only question is, can I do it myself? Should I call a professional?

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Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles: Which Should I Choose?

Your roof offers a great deal of protection over your home or business, and the material you choose can make a big impact on all aspects of your roof's ability to do just that. When thinking about roof repair or replacement, it's important to consider the different material types you can move forward with, each with their own benefits that will suit each home or business owner differently.

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Roof Streaking: Time for a new roof?

What are those black streaks on your roof? Dirt? Mildew? Burnout marks from Santa Clause? It actually is algae, gloeocapsa magma to be exact- otherwise known as blue-green algae. So why is it black? This alga actually has a darkly pigmented outer layer that protects it from UV rays, causing those dark streaks on your roof. These little bacteria build up over time as they feed on moisture and calcium carbonate.

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